Monday, February 3, 2020

Composing self Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Composing self - Essay Example Though this was quite satisfying at the moment, I was still quite curious why one can take so much of the proteins yet their body size remain to be small. The belief must have been fallacious or there must have been other aspects I did not understand. I started changing my perception to the belief on realizing that despite the fact that we were served the same food at home, my younger brother tended to grow quite faster and surpass me body wise. Having no explanation to this and with my lame background in biology I had to partly believe in my fallacious reasoning with the people I sought information from not giving me a comprehensive version that I could adopt. However, as my background in biology became firm I realized that growth is in fact a very complex process. The process as I learnt starts with the introduction of food into the alimentary canal through the mouth. This food, take for instance meat is broken down to small units called amino acids. These are the building blocks for the mass of flesh that we eat. The next process involves the use of those amino acids to repair the injured body parts as well as ensuring growth occurs. Since a person is made up of microscopic units called cells the amino acids take part in the replication of those cells with the increase in number leading to the increase in body size. I changed my earlier thinking after researching on the issue and engaging more people who were informed to help in demystifying the mystery. Beliefs being part of the knowledge we have can be misleading or based on fallacy. In my case, the belief was based on assumption and so with time I embraced a better approach that can be used to get the correct facts. This being just one of the beliefs I had I my early age I have realized that to get the correct facts, one has to engage various sources or else you may end up holding strongly on the wrong ideals. The only way to explain my earlier belief is through the

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