Saturday, November 2, 2019

Employment of Minors between the Ages of 12 and 18 Essay - 1

Employment of Minors between the Ages of 12 and 18 - Essay Example (c) It is necessary for the individual to submit the following elements before they are able to be granted a certificate: (1) A certified copy of a birth certificate or birth registration card; and (2) A statement from the potential employer indicating that if he were given a certificate from the school superintendent, he could employ the minor immediately and describing the type of job offered. It shall be understood that the potential employer, by furnishing such statement, does not promise to employ the minor for any specific amount of time. (d) A copy of the certificate will be made a part of the minors school file, for all minors between the ages of 16 and 18. The certificate must show that the minor is at least 16 years of age in order to qualify the minor to work between the hours of 9:00 P.M. and 6:00 A.M. and to be employed in any of the occupations covered by Code Section 39-2-2. In addition to the certificate, the superintendent of schools, or an authorized member of his staff, shall issue an identification card to each minor in this category. The identification card will demonstrate that the minor is eligible for employment. The minor will then not have to attain future employment certificates unless his certificate is revoked by the Commissioner of Labor. (e)(1) The certificate mentioned above must be accompanied by a letter from the minors school administrator indicating that the minor is enrolled in school full-time and has a good attendance record. The employer of the minor must maintain a copy the certificate and the letter in the minors employment file. The letter must be updated in January of each academic year during which the minor is working. This process will continue until the minor turns 18, receives a high school diploma, a general educational development (GED) diploma, a special education diploma, or a certificate of high school completion, or has terminated his or her secondary education and is enrolled in a postsecondary school. Any employer failing to comply with these rules is guilty of a misdemeanor and if convicted will  be subject to a fine not to exceed $1,000.00, up to twelve months imprisonment, or both, for each violation.

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