Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Mystery Story Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Mystery Story - Essay Example "Hello". "No. I tried to call him all afternoon, but he didn't answer the phone and didn't return my calls." Carol's mind began to race. Something was wrong and the misdeeds started this afternoon with Jim's absence. It wasn't like him to not call back or get in touch. "What time was he murdered Where How" There were a million questions racing through Carol's mind. "He was shot in his office within the past hour. We've got a suspect in custody. We'd like you to come down to the station and talk to us." Keller's tone was far too matter of fact. There was a murder that was being treated as a trespassing. "Well send a car for you. Your husband is at the city morgue. We need you to help us with the investigation". The words seemed to flow so easily from the officer's lips, but stuck inside and fouled Carol's ears. Mr. Keller's office was a dimly lit hole in a drive by mini-mall. Carol noticed the barren space and lack of any usual business activity. The desks lacked all the usual accouterments that make an office run such as paper, pens, and staplers. There was only a small laptop computer that sat folded and dusty from lack of use. There was no copier and no printer in sight. "We are not sure. It seems your husband was working late when this suspect entered the office. It was probably an attempted robbery, but he set off an alarm when he entered. The metro police were only a block away and caught him exiting the building." Keller looked at Carol and asked with an air of awkwardness, "Did your husband have any enemies Any reason someone would want to kill him Did you know anything about his business dealings" "Why no," Carol stammered. "You said it was a robbery. I don't know any other reason someone would want him dead. He ran a real estate business, and he took care of all that. I didn't know any of his clients or investors." "Well," Keller continued, "There didn't seem to be anything taken. Your husband still had over $200 on him and a wallet full of credit cards. Doesn't seem like a

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